Brinyte pt28 kis taktikai zseblámpa 1600lms & 245m
Brinyte PT28 is a palm-sized tactical flashlight for military, law enforcement officers and outdoor sportsmen.
Brinyte PT28 Tactical Light with 1750 lms & 245m
Brinyte pt28 kis taktikai zseblámpa 1600lms & 245m
Brinyte pt28 kis taktikai zseblámpa 1600lms & 245m
Brinyte PT28 Tactical Light with 1750 lms & 245m
Brinyte PT28 Tactical Light with 1750 lms & 245m


Brinyte pt28 kis taktikai zseblámpa 1600lms & 245m

Sale price$89.98

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A brinyte pt28 egy palm méretű taktikai zseblámpa katonai, rendészeti tisztviselők és szabadtéri sportolók számára. Maximális teljesítménye az importált cree led segítségével elérheti az 1600 lument. Négy különböző fényerő szint és két funkciós mód, elég ahhoz, hogy kezelje a világítás követelményeit. Mágneses töltő port kialakítás, könnyen feltölthető. Featuring intelligens teljesítmény indikátor, taktikai flashlight újratölthető szép a bűnüldöző tisztviselők és a szabadtéri sport rajongók.

🌟 Kompatibilis egy 18650 akkumulátorral vagy két cr123a akkumulátorral;
🌟 Újratölthető taktikai flashlight mágneses töltőrendszerrel;
🌟 A szabályozott tápegység állandó fényerőt tart fenn;
🌟 Túltöltés, túlmentesítés és túlmelegedés elleni védelem;
🌟 Fordított polaritás védelem megakadályozza a károsodást a helytelen akkumulátor telepítése;
🌟 Ötvözet alumínium reflektor professzionális optikai elemzés.

Tartozékok: Taktikai flashlight holster, mágneses töltőkábel, taktikai gyűrű, irm18650 3100mah akkumulátor, lándzsa, 2 * tartalék o-gyűrűk.

Brinyte PT28 Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight Structure
Brinyte PT28 Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight Lighting Modes
Brinyte PT18PRO Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight Battery Level Indicator
Brinyte PT18PRO Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight Charging
Brinyte PT18PRO Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight Battery Level Indicator
Brinyte PT28 Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight
Brinyte PT28 Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight
Brinyte PT28 Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight
Brinyte PT28 Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight
Brinyte PT28 Oathkeeper Tactical Flashlight What's in the box?

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Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Lawrence Cook
Worth every dollar!

Exactly as described! Very bright! Easy to use! Love all the accessories! Great purchase!

Incredible illumination!

I'm not much of a reviewer, however I will just say that I really enjoy the feel, apparent quality, power and features of this light. This is my first Brinyte flashlight and I have already purchased 2 more.

Susan P.
Brinyte PT28 Tactical Light

If you’re looking for a great everyday - Work - Security light, I think this one can be a good choice for you .

Eric Q
5 Stars Perfer Light!

There’s direct access to strobe. But more importantly, would be direct access to turbo. When you need a lot of light and you need it now (military and law enforcement), that tail switch needs to activate turbo every time. Having it recall the last used mode means that instead of blinding an aggressor, you could be hitting him with a measly 10 lumens. I really like everything else about this light and I think it’s great for outdoorsmen.

Highly recommended

Love this light! I actually purchased it for my father for use on walks and around the house, but of course I had to take it for a test drive first! I can't think of any real complaints I have. The optional tactical ring that's included seemed kinda loose when I installed it, but maybe it's supposed to be that way, I have no idea because I've never had one. I will say that it was cool to have the option of holding it in different ways though. I know pops won't put it on though, lol! The things that he likes most are the brightness, ease of use, ease of charging and general high level of quality. Pops is 80 years old now, and I needed whatever I gave him to be easy for him to understand so that he likes it and actually uses it. Well I done good! He loves it and so do I!