Happy 15th Anniversary of Brinyte

Happy 15th Anniversary of Brinyte

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Brinyte flashlight, we have specially planned a two-day, one-night team trip to Qingyuan(2-3, June 2024), Guangdong. This event is not only to review the achievements of the past 15 years but also to thank our employees for their hard work and to provide an opportunity for everyone to relax and strengthen their friendships.

Upon arriving in Qingyuan, the first exciting activity was the thrilling Gulong Gorge rafting. Known as the "Number One Rafting in South China," Gulong Gorge offers a fast-flowing, exhilarating, and scenic experience that allow everyone to release stress and enjoy the beauty of nature while having fun.
After lunch, we headed to the go-kart track for a speed and adrenaline-filled racing competition.
In the evening, we set up tents at a picturesque campsite and held a bonfire party. Everyone can gather around the bonfire to sing, dance, and share their stories and feelings, creating unforgettable memories together.
This 15th-anniversary celebration not only provides a much-needed break and relaxation from busy work but also enhances team cohesion and cooperation through a series of rich and diverse activities. We believe that through this event, everyone will not only leave with beautiful memories but also return to work with renewed enthusiasm, ready to embrace an even brighter future for Brinyte.